Thursday, 27 June 2019

SEP - A Simplified Retirement Investment Plan for Self-employed Individuals

A simplified employee pension is a retirement plan made for business owners and self-employed individuals. The employer only is allowed to make the contributions in this plan to all eligible employees. It is the most preferred plan for many business owners because setting up this plan is totally free and the contribution limits are higher than others. The rules for this investment plan are same as the traditional IRA since it is one of the types of it.


The eligibility rules for this SEP plan are very simple. The requirements are, the contributor must be above the age level of 21, must worked for at least 3 years for the employee and received not lesser than 600 dollars of compensation. Any employee satisfies the above three conditions can instantly set up an account with the help of trustee or custodian.


The employer is allowed to make contributions to all eligible employees but the trustee decide the contribution amount for each eligible employee. The maximum contribution can be made for an eligible employee cannot exceed 25% of compensation or 56,000 dollars in the year 2019. Previously in the year 2018, it was 55,000 dollars. This plan has an advantage that the employers can skip contribution for all employees in a particular year if the business was down. But, they cannot skip contribution for some employees. If a contribution is made to an employee, the same contribution amount must be made to all other employees including who left the job, died in that year or has more than 701/2 age.

How to Receive Contributions?

If an eligible employee participated in their employer’s SEP plan, first they establish a traditional IRA account. Because to deposit the contribution amount in a SEP plan requires a traditional IRA account. You can easily set up a traditional IRA account with the help of trustee or local custodians. Some financial companies requires that the traditional IRA account must be labelled as SEP IRA in order to receive the contributions. Others will directly deposit the SEP contributions in the traditional IRA whether it is labelled as SEP IRA or not.


The SEP contributions can be withdrawal anytime as per the traditional IRA rules. The basic taxes are applicable for all withdrawals. If you made a withdrawal before the age 591/2, a 10% additional taxes are applied with the basic taxes.