Friday, 21 June 2019

What are Tax Liens? How to Make an Investment in It?

Tax Liens are liens imposed on properties which has an unpaid tax debt in it. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a government body who closely monitor the tax details of each and every property. If they found any properties with outstanding tax amounts, they will remind the taxpayer to settle the due within time by sending a series of notices. After the final federal notice, if the tax amounts still be the same, they will put a lien against the property. The IRS and the federal government have the legal rights to place a lien on a property for the unpaid tax amount. Once the lien is placed, the owner must pay the full tax amount with penalties and interest to the investor to get rid of the lien.

Investment in Tax Liens

Tax lien investing is one of the highly profitable investment methods when comparing to other investment methods. If the investor invests in a tax lien property, they will surely get their investment amount back with the additional interest amount. The interest amount for a property will be varying from 8% to 36% and it depends upon the county of the property where it was located.

Tax Lien Certificate

If a property owner fails to pay the tax amount, the IRS will place a lien on that property. After the lien issued, a tax lien certificate is generated with the value of the amount of tax owed by the owner with penalties and interest. The price of the certificate will vary from 100 dollars for small properties to 100,000 dollars for large properties. These certificates are then sent to the auction process. In the auction, the investors will bid their preferred amount for the certificate. The investor who bid the lowest amount for the interest or highest premium for the property will become the winner.

Where to Start the Tax Lien Investment?

First, choose the best property from the lien list. If you are a beginner and going to invest for the first time, it is best to get help from some lien networks. Then contact the county government to know the details of date, time and place of the auction. They will also tell the rules and regulations that you need to follow in an auction if you ask. Attend the auction and bid on your preferred property. If you are the winner in the auction, buy the tax lien certificate for the property. It is important for a tax lien certificate purchaser to do the due-diligence process in a timely manner.